
Grey goose dirty martini
Grey goose dirty martini

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I get a small commission, at no additional cost to you, if you click the link and buy something. Also, if you’re interested in seeing what I think should be in every home bar, click here. If you are interested in learning more about vodka. Why did I re-do the post again? Because it’s one of my tried and true cocktails that always is a pleasure to imbibe and I love refreshing the photos. So, if you’re just starting out, keep practicing. It will pay off. There is always something to learn and blogging is a process, but I’m happy with my progress after 3+ years. I knew very little about photography and even less about editing photos back then. When I last blogged about this vodka dirty martini cocktail, it was to re-do one of my first posts. I was celebrating a year of blogging and wanted to show how far I’d come with my photography. Let me know what you do when you make a dirty martini in the comments below.This vodka dirty martini is one of my favorite cocktails! It’s perfect. A wonderful combination of vodka, vermouth and olive brine, it’s a classic and also one of the world’s most recognizable cocktails. Though I just came across a recipe for muddling some olives in the cocktail shaker first, and that intrigues me! All you kneed is something to nosh like my Gougères or Korean BBQ snack mix. I think I’ve figured out the best balance for a dirty martini that I’m happy with. A little doesn’t bother me if they are incredible olives. There will be a hint of the oil floating on the top of the finished cocktail. If they have olive oil, you need to use olive brine from somewhere else and wipe off the olives before placing them into the martini glass. But be careful that the jars of stuffed olives use olive brine and not olive oil.


If you want some extra flavor, you can find delicious olives stuffed with blue cheese, almonds, feta cheese, or if you want a bit of zip in your cocktail you can use jalapeño stuffed ones. The best ones I’ve found should be tasty morsels not too firm or too soft. So be picky, with a little effort you can find great ones. Finding good olives can be an adventure in itself. The whole point of a dirty martini is the olives. To make it at home, of course, you can vary the vermouth and the olive brine to your taste. I think vermouth is essential in a dirty martini for balance with the olive brine. Vermouth is also a factor, some people make them with just vodka and olive brine. Gin brings extra flavors to the cocktail that sometimes fight with the olives. Though most of you know I enjoy Gin in many of my cocktails, I think vodka is a better choice for a dirty martini. On the other side, I’ve had a “dirty martini” that tastes like they just waved the olives over the glass. I’ve had martinis that taste like they have put half the jar of olive brine. The problem is everyone seems to have a different preference as to what the right amount of brine and vermouth is. The dirty martini should taste slightly savory and salty from the brine, but not overpowering. If done right this delicious libation should just have the right hint of olives. This classic cocktail is the perfect drink before dinner or out sipping with friends at a cocktail party.

Grey goose dirty martini